My writing is a doorway
a portal into Love
a prayer to the above
My writing is a doorway
through which I travel every day
sometimes in deed,
yet more often only in thought
in words.
Few others tread this path.
I am not alone;
I know I am not alone
yet I am the only one here
I am the only one writing
I am the only one working here
in this space
only me
and I am somehow
knowing there are others on the path
their path;
their writing path
they too are alone on theirs.
And my thoughts distract me.
My thoughts distract me
My thinking distracts me
over and over
and over again
when it does
I come back
falling down seven times
and getting up eight.
And I must remember
my writing is a doorway
my writing is a portal
my voice is my transport
into great things
of my own daring creation.
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